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Community in Crisis Quit for Covid

Comprehensive Vaping Education

Vape Free. Breathe Free.

Don’t let Covid-19 derail plans for vaping education.

Vaping, all you need to knowCiC Mini-WebinarsQuit for CovidKey Quit resources

Online webinar series.

A convenient and timely alternative to in-person presentations, our online webinar series,  Vape Free, Breathe Free, covers the same topics in a series of five modules. Watch one or all five independently or as part of a group or class assignment

In-person Presentations

Vaping presents a serious threat to the health of our youth and young adults, with heightened concerns due to possible increased exposure to COVID-19 risks among vapers and smokers. It is therefore more important than ever to educate students, parents and staff about the risks associated with vaping and nicotine. CIC’s comprehensive vaping education program covers short and long-term risks, the impact of vaping on the adolescent brain, marketing strategies targeting youth, changing government policies, and a review of quit resources. The presentation can be delivered to students, parent groups, or faculty and staff, including:

  • An in-person PowerPoint presentation that can be tailored to audiences of different ages.
  • An interactive vaping display that provides opportunities for one-on-one discussions. They can be set up during lunch hours at school, at parents’ events and at health fairs.
 For more information or to schedule a presentation, please contact:

Staff training

Focuses on the latest usage trends among youth, new government policies, new devices, signs and symptoms, the most convincing prevention messaging, how to incorporate vaping information into subjects in the classroom, possible home projects, and the importance of quitting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

School nurses

With an emphasis on signs and symptoms, this webinar tells you what to look for when kids present with vaping-related complaints, about quit resources and the role of nicotine replacement therapy.

Coaches and teams

This discusses special considerations for athletes, and the impact on performance and motivation.


New devices, means of obtaining, signs and symptoms, serious health risks especially COVID-related, quit resources and engaging healthcare professionals, how to talk to your children, messaging that works and what doesn’t.


Flexible and adaptable presentation, with the ability to customize topics and length. Can be delivered in a webinar format or Zoom Group . Customizable to high school and middle school students. Could also be delivered to student clubs looking for ways to connect. Also, be sure to check out our Mini Vaping Webinars for an overview.

Quit Resources: A Deep Dive

A review of a wide range of virtual quit resources and how to avoid potential pitfalls.  Appropriate for individuals, for any size group, for all ages, for vapers and smokers themselves or those wanting to help a friend or loved one quit. Community in Crisis recently hosted one open virtual quit resources session, with great success.

Create Your Own Display

Choose and print materials to create your own interactive display. Parents and students readily engage when they see the devices, giving us an opportunity to make a few key points about vaping.

Learn More
Prevention and Early Action
Workshops and Training
Recovery Support