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Imagine your life without vaping or smoking.
Looks great, right?
You are at risk. Quit today.
Scroll down the page for the many quit resources.
Increase your chances of success with three simple steps - anonymous, free, you set the pace.
Click here for a printable Cessation Resource guide.
Be A Quitter.

Visit smokefree.gov or teen.smokefree.gov and check out their Quit Vaping section.
Spend half an hour learning what it takes to be a successful quitter. The more you know, the better your quit will go.
Fight Back!

Text VAPEFREENJ to 88709
Daily texts to keep you moving in the right direction. It is grounded in evidence-based research and created by The Truth Initiative and the Mayo Clinic. Not quite sure you’re ready? You can still text the number. They’ve got messages to help build your confidence and practice quitting if you’re not 100% there yet.
Take Control.

Download the quitSTART app
Select interactive tools, challenges and inspirations to guide you through the process. Customize your Quit Kit.
Nicotine dependent? Answer two questions to find out.
If you are more highly dependent on nicotine, you may need additional help dealing with withdrawal symptoms and cravings while making this change in your life. Boost my quit: combining counseling/coaching with medications increases success rates more than either alone!
If your answers are YES and YES to the below questions, you might already be addicted to nicotine.
Group or Individual Counseling

Increasing the chances of a successful quit.
Quit Center at RWJBarnabas Health RWJ Quit Center or Toll Free (833) 795-7848
Nicotine and Tobacco Recovery Program- 8 weekly sessions
This coaching gets you through the toughest weeks of your quit journey.
Session 1 is an individual assessment and a great place to start if you’re not sure what help you need.
Counselor will work with you to determine if NRT or other medications might be helpful.
You can also contact Community In Crisis for additional help. Please email: cicvaping@gmail.com

Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Other Meds.
You do not have to suffer intense withdrawal symptoms and white-knuckle it through powerful cravings.
Medications sound complicated but most just replace a dangerous form of nicotine with a much safer form that is easy to control and taper.
A counselor can help you determine if medications are needed and together you’ll make a treatment plan at your very first meeting.
Learn more about FDA approved medications.
There are 7 FDA approved medications that are proven to help adult smokers quit and they can help people who vape quit as well.
Long-acting NRT (like the patch) can smooth out the roughness of withdrawal symptoms.
Short-acting NRT (like the gum) can be used to help handle cravings that break through.
Success is, you guessed it, increased by combining these two types of NRT.
Work with a counselor to determine if other medications or NRT are needed, how to properly dose and taper. Many people who go it alone do not use the correct strength of nicotine replacement or they don’t ‘use it long enough.
A plan can be set up at your first counseling meeting/assessment.
NRT is free if you are working with a RWJBarnabas Health counselor.
If you are under 18, you will need to work with your parents and a doctor to approve NRT as it is FDA approved for use only in adults.
Under 18? Learn more.
Boston Children’s Hospital Treatment Tips for Teens (including Nicotine Replacement Therapy) for pediatricians
Under 18? Share these guidelines with your doctor. CLICK HERE. NRT is only FDA approved for people 18 and over. Those under 18 should consult with their doctor and discuss with their parents. Some teens may need help handling withdrawal symptoms while they work to make changes in their daily routines. Consult with a RWJBarnabas Health Quit counselor for guidance on what meds (if any) are recommended. Many doctors are not familiar with the recommendations for treating teens with NRT, so share this link.
Additional Resources.

Want other options?
There are many Quit resources out there. We have suggested these three based on their
great reviews and proven track records. If the ones we recommended don’t suit you, try
out a different text program or app or website, but… Don’t Quit trying to Quit! Get Started Now!
Nicotine Replacement Therapy Guidelines for Teens.
Some people need nicotine replacement therapy at the beginning of this process and not all physicians have the latest prescribing guidelines for teens.
Click HERE to download the guidelines for treating adolescent patients age 14 and older (Boston Children’s Hospital).
Click HERE to download Words of Wisdom from Dr. Michael Steinberg- MD, MPH, FACP
Professor and Chief, General Internal Medicine
Vice-Chair of Research, Dept of Medicine, Rutgers RWJ Medical School
Director – Rutgers Tobacco Dependence Program