AA – Big Book Discussion
The Community Hub 9 Church Street, Bernardsville, NJ, United StatesThursdays at 6:45pm Alcoholics Anonymous - Big Book Discussion
Thursdays at 6:45pm Alcoholics Anonymous - Big Book Discussion
Bringing the comfort and closeness of the Community Hub to you no matter where you...
YES! You heard it right. CiC has a dog-friendly All-Recovery meeting held once a month...
Bringing the comfort and closeness of the Community Hub to you no matter where you...
In-person traditional closed 11th Step meditation meeting Sundays at 8:30am. Closed meetings are for A.A....
Bringing the comfort and closeness of the Community Hub to you no matter where you...
ALL RECOVERY MEETING 3rd Monday of the month 12:30-1:30 St. John’s Episcopal Church 158 W...
Bringing the comfort and closeness of the Community Hub to you no matter where you...
Where? Community Hub, 9 Church Street, Bernardsville, NJ Community and Connection and The Phoenix, sober active...
Moderation Management is a great way to help you evaluate your relation to substances and...