Proper Safeguarding of Medications
In order to reduce the supply of easily accessible prescription opioids, we educate the community about the importance of safeguarding and properly disposing of unused medications. The majority of teens and young adults who misuse prescription opioids access them via friends or family.
Drug Take Back Days
Semi-annual drug collection days are held nationally to encourage us all to dispose of our unused, unwanted and expired medications. In Somerset County alone, hundreds of pounds are collected at each event which helps reduce the incidence of drug diversion and misuse. Permanent drug drop boxes are also located year-round in the lobby of the Bedminster and Bernards Township Police Stations where you can drop off your meds at any time during the year between the hours of 7:00AM and 4:30PM Monday through Friday. Other locations throughout the state are available, including some participating pharmacies. For an up-to-date list of locations, visit here.
Real estate open houses and showings present a prime opportunity for accessing unsecured drugs. Our outreach to realtors includes presentations, providing information flyers, free in-home drug disposal kits for pills and liquids, and lock boxes for their clients during open houses.
Senior Facilities
Presentations to seniors in residential facilities stress the need to keep their medications somewhere secure, know how many medications they have, and how to dispose of them responsibly. Free in-home drug disposal bags, including Deterra® Bags provided via a grant from Mallinckrodt Inc, and Dispose Rx packets, are distributed to residents while supplies last.

VNA Hospice
Free Deterra® bags were also provided to The Visiting Nurses Association to dispose of medications in hospice situations.