Healthy Lifestyles Programming
The Hub offers a welcoming environment to everyone seeking information, resources and volunteer opportunities that can help support them and others in the face of the opioid epidemic. With a focus on fostering healthy lifestyles, the Hub offers youth, adolescents, adults and families workshops, coffee and conversation, speaker series, volunteer programs and presentations.
The Hub Club
The Hub Club offers after school programming for middle school students on Thursdays during the school year.
Each Thursday, kids will enjoy a fun activity (make your own ice cream sundaes, come snuggle with a therapy dog and feel the love, create art work on the sidewalks) followed by a volunteer activity that supports our mission and which will count towards their community service hours.
Registration to join the Hub Club is required and is made available in the schools’ Friday Folders, on social media and at www.communityincrisis.org. Space will be limited. An optional contribution towards supplies will be requested at registration. Financial assistance is available.
The Book Club
The Book Club features authors who offer helpful advice and encourage discussion as it relates to healthy families and relationships.
Recent discussions featured Dr. Michael Bradley’s book, ‘Crazy Stressed: Saving Today’s Overwhelmed Teens with Love, Laughter, and the Science of Resilience,’ which was discussed in three parts. Book Clubs are skillfully facilitated by parent and CIC school working group leader, Heather Athanasiou, and aim to help any individual and parent navigate the sometimes-trying issues of today’s society. Suggestions of books and volunteers to facilitate discussions are gladly accepted!
Coffee and Conversation
Coffee and Conversation is held in a cozy, warm environment for people to come together and enjoy a presentation on a relevant topic followed by Q & A.
Facilitated by professionals and experts in multiple disciplines, the hour will cover topics such as understanding the adolescent brain, issues facing our adolescents, mental health first aid, Internet safety and more. All are welcome.
Acoustic Coffee Evenings
Acoustic Coffee evenings will fill the historic rooms of the Hub one Saturday a month as Community in Crisis partners with Love More For Julius to host music, coffee, sodas, and treats.
This substance-free event is open to all, from High School age and up (children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian). A $10 donation is requested at the door.