Become a part of our history.
Engrave your name. Make your mark. Leave an impact!
Become a part of our history.
When you join our family tree, you become a founding supporter of Community in Crisis. Your gift can help us continue our work to educate, prevent substance use and offer holistic support to our communities. Our positive message of hope resonates across all generations and backgrounds, helping keep people safe and feel supported.
Your gift of:
$250 -$499 A beautiful gold leaf.
$500 – $999 A beautiful gold leaf with a star.
$1,000 – $1,999 A beautiful gold leaf with two stars.
$2,000 – $5,000 A beautiful gold leaf with three stars.
Would you like to give a larger gift?
Please contact Andi Williams at awilliams@communityincrisis.org
Your donation is 100% tax deductible.
Community in Crisis is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which makes all donations to us tax-deductible. Make your donation by December 31 2021 to ensure that it can be deducted from this year’s taxes. Thank you!