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Lead and unite communities to reduce the incidence and consequences of the misuse of substances through education, prevention and holistic support in an environment free of stigma.

Combatting substance use disorders isn’t easy. Our ‘it takes a village’ approach means that individuals and families in need of help will feel supported all along their journey. Whether it’s prevention education in the schools or sober socialization opportunities for our recovery community, we’re here to help you achieve a healthy lifestyle filled with connection and hope.

Prevention and Early Action

Focusing on education, reducing access and heightening awareness.


Comprehensive resources for prescribers, educators and community leaders.

Recovery Support

Fostering healthy lifestyles and supporting individuals seeking or sustaining self-defined recovery.

Workshops and Training

Community presentations on such topics as vaping, RX med management and healthy aging.

Creating Connection, Building Courage, Giving Hope

Need Help Now?

Anyone in immediate overdose crisis SHOULD CALL 911 or go to the closest emergency room.

Here are some options to help you find immediate and reliable support when you most need it.

Need Help
Community in Crisis | Prevention

Much of our work focuses on preventing the pills to heroin pathway by increasing education, reducing access, and heightening awareness.

Community in Crisis | The Community Hub

Community Hub

The Community Hub is a gathering place to foster healthy lifestyles, provide education on prevention initiatives and support individuals in sobriety.

Recovery Support

Fostering healthy lifestyles and supporting individuals seeking or sustaining self-defined recovery.

Our partners are important to us in bringing our mission to life. We are filled with gratitude for their trust and belief in our work.

Horizon Foundation Logo
What They’re Saying

When I started as a volunteer for Community in Crisis, my intention was to give of my time to help those affected by addiction. Little did I know that this organization was going to help me just as much; someone close to me struggles with this disease and it impacts not just the individual but the whole family, too. As Chair of Community Outreach, I witness firsthand how much support family members can get to help them deal with this disease. I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of Community in Crisis and am so appreciative of everything that they do. Thank you.


Community In Crisis gives me the opportunity to give back to the community in which I grew up. I believe wholeheartedly in everything Community in Crisis stands for. Their mission is to educate the community on the dangers of prescription pills and heroin, increase prevention, help those in recovery, and give families the support they need. As a person in recovery, I am honored to be a part of CIC.


The Hub Club has been a hit with my two kids. They look forward to it each week. Just telling you because clearly, you are doing something right that I have two 13-year-olds that love going to your club every week … so thank you.
